Mexican researchers patent organic product for controlling coffee rust

A group of researchers from the Veracruzana University in Mexico has developed a new organic control method to combat the coffee rust. 


The control procedure was designed by experts of the A.C. Ecology Institute. Through an achieved patent, the researchers obtained a patent that will allow the industrialization of development or its technological transfer.


In the state of Veracruz in Mexico, losses were registered for almost 45% of coffee producers in 2014 due to rust disease. The disease affects the crop’s leaves, suspending the photosynthesis and generating fruit fall before maturation. In order to combat the fungus, producers use chemicals. With the method repetition, there is plant resistance, reducing the efficiency.


For Gerardo Alvarado Castillo, a researcher at the Veracruzana University, copper oxychloride is the most used fungicide to combat the rust, but it has lost efficiency. “The rust has eight life cycles in one year and depending on the environmental conditions, its reproduction can be sexual, asexual, and with hidden sexuality. On the other hand, genetic improvement with varieties of coffee species, such as Catimores, makes it more resistant to the plant, but it affects the final taste,” said Castillo.


This way, it was determined that the best strategy to attack the fungus spore is to stop reproduction, breaking the vital cycle and avoiding its development. Alternative tests with the organic type were done in a laboratory and avoided the development. Tests with organic substances were also done and avoided rust germination.


After the creation of other varieties, the researcher suggested that growers keep producing Arabica because the taste can be maintained and the rust can be eliminated.