
Dimethoate (CAS No.60-51-5) is a systemic insecticide and acaricide with contact and stomach action.


Dimethoate Useage 
Dimethoate is used for controlling of a wide range of Acari, Aphididae, Aleyrodidae, Coccidae, Coleoptera, Collembola, Diptera, Lepidoptera, Pseudococcidae and Thysanoptera in cereals, citrus, coffee, cotton, fruit, grapes, olives, pastures, beetroot, potatoes, pulses, tea, tobacco, ornamentals, ornamental shrubs, and vegetables. Also used for control of flies in animal houses. Typical application rates for cereals 340-680, citrus 2100, olives 720, beetroot 84-600, vegetables 330 -600 (all in g/ha per application).


Dimethoate Phytotoxicity
Non-phytotoxic when used as directed, except to some varieties of lemon, peach, fig, olive, walnut, hop, tomato, bean, cotton, and pine. Russetting is possible with Red Delicious and Golden Delicious apples, and with some ornamentals. Phytotoxicity is dependent on crop variety and climate.


Dimethoate Available formulation


300g/l EC, 400g/l EC


Dimethoate Packaging details 
Customized 10ML ~200L for liquid formulations.


Dimethoate applicable crops
Animals, cereals, citrus, coffee, cotton, fruit, grapes, olives, pastures, beetroot, potatoes, pulses, tea, tobacco, Ornamentals, vegetables.

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